PiXL Edge
Aim of the Programme
The PiXL Edge is a framework for schools to develop and accredit students in personal attributes essential for employability and life. To complete the Pixl Edge programme you are required to complete 10 LORIC activities by the end of Year 8.
What is LORIC?
LORIC are the five attributes required to complete the programme:
- Leadership
- Organisation
- Resilience
- Initiative
- Communication.
PiXL Edge Activities
Activities can be completed at school or at home as you can access the system through the Internet.
To login you need to:
- Go to www.theedge.pixl.org.uk
- Enter your username and password that has been given to you (do not change the password)
- Select your activities from the drop-down menu - you need two activities for each skill
- Explain what you are going to do to complete that activity.
- Once that activity has been completed, log back in to complete the evaluation, and mark as completed.
- The task will then be signed off if completed correctly or a comment will be added to explain any extra details that you need to add.
Examples of Work You Can Complete to Gain Qualification
- Captain a team
- A research project on healthy eating over a term and present findings.
- A tutor group activity of your choice
- Produce an equipment checklist for your tutor group
Assist the school receptionist.
- Achieve an attendance of 95% or above
- Complete a 2-day challenge week activity.
- A general knowledge quiz for your peers
- A poster about road safety.
- Act as a tour guide for visitors to the school
- Design a poster about cybersecurity and display it.
How is the Edge Qualification rewarded?
- Certificate from PiXL and the awarding body NCFE
- An enamel PiXL Badge
- Awards presented at Red Carpet Event.
Useful Website Links for More Detailed Information
https://theedge.pixl.org.uk (logon page)
https://www.colfox.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Edge-parent-booklet.pdf (parent booklet)
https://theedge.pixl.org.uk/_files/PiXLEdge-Student-Handbook-January-2021-v2.pdf (student booklet)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4tfPqPbG_0 (how to sign in to Pixl Edge page)
Testimonials from Students
If you would like any further information about PIXL Edge, please contact Mrs Puri (PiXL Edge Lead).