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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

International Links

Collingwood College – An International School

Collingwood has continued to be the proud possessor of the International School Award, recently re-accredited with the Full Award for 2018-2020.  This is an Award given by the British Council to recognise those British schools which foster International Ideals amongst their schools’ communities.

In the past year the College has continued its mission to broaden the international outlook of students, staff and the entire Collingwood community.

It is worthwhile reminding ourselves of the Award’s five Global Themes; these are very noble ideals, which the many activities we do in Collingwood aspire to uphold:

  • Conflict and Peace
  • Sustainable Living
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Fairness and Equality
  • Identity and Belonging.

For the last ISA submission Collingwood engaged in several major international processes and activities which we know echo these ideals, and give a good overall view of how International the outlook of the College is. 

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