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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Diversity at Collingwood

Our aim is to promote a culture that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion so that all members of the College community feel welcome, respected and safe.

What are we doing to make this happen at Collingwood?

We have set up a diversity working party where interested students and staff come together to plan how we approach these issues at College.  Celebrating difference and addressing discrimination and prejudice are key priorities.  The focus of the group for 2023-2024 was on racial and ethnic diversity and addressing discrimination based on gender and sexual identity. The group is facilitated by Mrs Marden and Mr Webster, and meets half-termly in Barossa Drama studio.

We were very pleased with the results of a Surrey-wide schools’ survey (June 2022) that showed staff and student perceptions of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at College were very positive.  Staff and students' scores were above Surrey averages in all areas: respect and fairness, recognising and responding to difference, commitment to EDI and discrimination and harassment.  Results indicate that we have made significant gains in raising the profile of EDI and also identified some further areas to work on.

Subject leaders have audited their existing curriculum and identified additional opportunities to address diversity, inclusion and anti-racism in their subject areas.   An example of the topics covered for a range of subjects can be viewed by clicking on the 'Examples of Topics Studied in Subjects' page (on the left-hand side of this page). 

We have also added relevant themes and topics to our PSHE, assembly and tutor time ‘thought for the week’ programmes to further raise awareness.

We are continuing our focus on tackling offensive and discriminatory language with a focus on racist, sexist and homophobic/transphobic language.  Students are made aware of how to report prejudiced incidents and a dedicated email address is available.  Staff will also have access to additional training for creating inclusive learning environments.

New and Updated Diversity Events for the College Calendar 2023-2024

Diversity Assemblies for all year groups led by Mrs Samuda and students in the first half term.  External speakers will be invited to address assemblies throughout the year.

Black History Month – October – Theme: 'Time for Change: Action Not Words'.  A number of events and resources to consider in assemblies and tutor time that focus on black history, heritage, culture and achievement.

Diversity Week - Events including food stalls, Ted Talks and dance displays to celebrate the diverse cultures, backgrounds and characteristics of our students at Collingwood.

‘I am taking a seat at the table’ video project.  Students provide testimonial videos that give voice to the diverse range of student experience at College.  This will form part of a tutor time programme for all year groups.

Pride Month – June.  Events and display materials to promote tolerance, education in pride history and continuing to move forward in equality.

Curriculum Information