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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Courses Offered

The Team

Mr W Thomas (Head of Department), Mr C Abay, Mrs P Adya, (Lead Teacher for Food and Nutrition), Mrs S Alley-Mohindra, Mr C Calder (D&T Product Design), Miss E Conniford (Lead Teacher for Textiles)

Key Stage 3 

As students progress through Key Stage 3 they all experience a wide range of Design and Technology activities, designing and making several products. Practical and design projects are undertaken in Food, Textiles, Graphics, Resistant Materials and Systems and Control.

During the Spring Term students in Year 8 can choose a Design and Technology subject to study for Key Stage 4 from the list below.

Key Stage 4

Students can study Design and Technology with four different routes, or Food and Nutrition.

The majority of students opt to take one of these courses as their three-year option choice.

The five main Design and technology routes are:

  • Systems and Control (Electronics) - Level 2 (GCSE Equivalent)*
  • Engineering in Manufacture - Level 2 (GCSE Equivalent)*
  • GCSE Design and Technology
  • GCSE Art Textiles
  • GCSE Food and Nutrition.

* Both Level 2 courses are equivalent in points and DfE league table standings to a full GCSE and replace the outgoing GCSE Electronics and Engineering options.

In addition, a Level 1 / 2 Foundation Certificate in Engineering Technology option is available for students not wishing to take the traditional three-year GCSE option but is provided on an invitation only basis in Year 10.

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5 students can opt to take A Level Design and Technology – Product Design for a two-year full A Level.  This allows students to continue to develop their design and making skills at an advanced level in whatever material specialism they prefer.

Further information on this course is available in the College Sixth Form Prospectus.

Curriculum Information