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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Courses Offered

The Team

Dr S Adams (Head of Department), Mr P Butler, Mr M Green, Ms S Islam, Dr J Kaur, Mr E Ogunsola, Mrs O Oshilaja, Mrs S Puri, Mrs A Samuda, Mrs C Scott-Powell, Mr N Spierts, Mr J Stayt, Mr F Usiagwu

Miss R Ellis, Mrs L Harris, Mrs L Lancaster (chief technician), Mrs S Martin, Mr A Parkinson, Miss B Pun

Key Stage 3

All Year 7 study Key Stage 3 Science in two years.  The most able go on to complete Triple GCSE Science.  Others start GCSEs in Year 9 but at a slower pace, so they complete two Science GCSEs by the end of Year 11.

During Key Stage 3 students are introduced to new concepts.  We aim to continue the excellent work done in the junior schools and build upon the knowledge gained at Key Stage 2.  Students will sit a baseline assessment at the start of Year 7 and their progress assessed using tests approximately at the end of each half term.  Students are taught in mixed ability sets through Key Stage 3.

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4 students will take either the AQA Trilogy Combined Science GCSE (worth 2 GCSEs) or AQA Single Sciences, which leads to 3 separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  Both of these routes require the students to complete compulsory practicals, knowledge of which will be tested in the exams, so it is important that students’ attendance does not mean that they miss the opportunities to complete these in class.

Key Stage 5

We offer A Levels in all three Sciences and our results are excellent.  We also offer BTEC Level 3 in Applied Science for those considering a career in Science or healthcare.  This qualification is accepted by many colleges and universities.

Enrichment Activities

The Science Department offers a Science Club where students can work towards Crest awards in Science and also a Gardening Club where we have been working to restore and maintain our Eco-garden.  In addition to this we have a number of varied trips and activities during the year, including ones for more able students as well as girls in STEM.

The College has links to outside agencies, aiming to enrich the curriculum by showing how taught knowledge can be applied outside the classroom. 

Curriculum Information