Post 16 Results

A level students achieved 60% A* to B, 60% BTEC Distinction* to Distinction and overall, 60% of Year 13 students achieved the top grades.
We are very pleased to report some outstanding achievements by our students in their A level and BTEC qualifications this summer. In terms of the top grades at A level, students achieved 60% A* to B, 60% BTEC Distinction* to Distinction and overall, 60% of Year 13 students achieved the top grades.
This year is intended to be a ‘transition year’ between 2021 (when assessment was done directly by schools and colleges) and 2019 (the last year exams took place). This means that it is anticipated that overall grades will be about halfway between the two nationally.
With this in mind, the key A*-B figure is especially pleasing as it is above the Centre and Teacher assessed grades of the last two years and also above the 2019 figure which, given the context, is a very positive outcome!
Our ALPS (progress) scores are also very positive with a ‘3’ for A level (‘Excellent’, top 25% nationally) and a ‘4’ for BTEC (‘Very good’, top 40% nationally)
At post-16 nearly all students have already received a university offer and we are confident that all students who wish to go on to further education, will receive an offer through clearing.
Mr Eden Tanner, Principal, said, ‘I must highlight how well all of our students have done in making it through an incredibly tough few years. Many of them were unable to sit GCSEs in 2020 and so they have had only very limited experience of external assessments. The resilience they have shown under such conditions is remarkable and we are extremely proud of their achievements.
I also want to acknowledge the excellent teaching and pastoral care provided by our dedicated staff, who have had to deal with the pressures associated with the exceptional circumstances this year, as well as the encouragement and support of parents.’
Congratulations to our students who have worked incredibly hard to achieve these results!