Year 7 Annual Run for Resources

The PE Department is pleased to announce that it is, once again, hosting the annual Year 7 Run for Resources Fun Run on Thursday 27 May (the last Thursday before we break up for the May half term).
Students will complete this in their normal PE lessons on that day and are permitted to wear appropriate fancy dress with running trainers or football boots. Students can, if they wish, dribble a football around the course or pass a Rugby ball.
Those students in the 7ab half of the year will complete the Fun Run in their Period 1 PE lesson and those in the 7cd half of the year will complete it in their Period 3 lesson. Students should start seeking sponsorship when they receive their sponsorship form and this is all in the spirit of raising money for PE and Sport Equipment, which they will use throughout their years at Collingwood. Once again, for every £5 a student raises they will receive a prize draw ticket; the draw will take place in July. 1st Prize is an iPad and 2nd and 3rd Prizes are £50 Amazon vouchers. Sponsorship forms will be available before the end of this week.
If a student has questions regarding this event, they can post them on the Year 7 Teams page. Many thanks.
Mr Beer - Head of PE Department