Update 20.03.2020

Key Worker/Vulnerable Student Update.
Dear Parent/Carer
RE: Key Worker/Vulnerable Student Update
Please read the guidance very carefully:
“Schools, and all childcare providers, are therefore being asked to continue to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable, and children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.
Vulnerable children include children who are supported by social care, those with safeguarding and welfare needs, including child in need plans, on child protection plans, ‘looked after’ children, young carers, disabled children and those with education, health and care (EHC) plans.
Please, therefore, follow the key principle: If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be. “
Can we firstly reinforce the message from the authorities that our primary concern is the one of the nation and that minimising the spread of the virus will be the College’s primary concern, alerting you to the first key principle. If it at all feasible for the child to be at home they should be. We are relying on parents to follow this guidance. Therefore if your partner is not a key worker it would make sense they support the pandemic and look after your child. This means that we are minimising the risk of the spread of infection to all of those students and staff and their families. This is collective responsibility for society to ensure the educational service is protected for those that really need it.
Please also be aware that it is unlikely that the normal 1to1 programmes of those with key staff, such as our EHCP students or vulnerable students can be met.
This will be a very different provision than the College normally provides, that will be based around care and not education. Therefore:
- The structure of the day will remain the same with an 8.25am start and 3.05 closure. In between this the students will be provided with a break and a lunch break
- There will be no formal teaching as such but staff will oversee organising the students to work on the activities sent by their subject tutors, intermixed with some leisure time and hopefully some recreational activity.
- Student who attend will be working in our LRC building and the staff who will be looking after them will be working on a fluid rota.
- It is highly likely students will be in mixed age groups and the groups will not be static.
- Students will not be required to wear uniform however trainers would be advisable.
- Students will be required to bring their Super 7 equipment, however there will be access to computers throughout the day.
- A hot lunch will be provided by the College through our caterers Accent – usual method of payment required. Students are welcome to bring their own packed lunch. Free School Meal Children will be provided with one.
- It is recommended that the students should bring their usual drink bottle and some snacks.
- On arrival students will be expected to sign in at the LRC and wash their hands.
- Regular handwashing will become part of the daily routine.
- Please also be mindful that the normal College bus routes are not in operation.
In order to know who will be coming in please could you alert us via email on j.cleary@collingwood.surrey.sch.uk however if you could give us an indication on a weekly basis as to when we will expect your child this will aid our planning with regards to staffing.
Please be mindful if a student displays any of the symptoms we will be in contact immediately in order for you to impose the required self-isolation at home.
As you will know by now, these are:
- Fever/High Temperature
- Cough (dry and continuous)
- Shortness of breath
We understand these are difficult and unprecedented times but the safeguarding of our community is always our number one priority. If you still feel you fit this criteria, please respond appropriately.
Kind Regards
Mr J Cleary
Assistant Principal - Behaviour and Personal Development/Designated Safeguarding Lead