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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning


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  • CCFA Event - Friday 13 December

    It was great to host our first CCFA (Collingwood College Friends Association) event today and meet some of our Year 7 parents who were really positive about how their children had settled into Collingwood College and the quality of their experience to date.

  • Debating Success!

    Last weekend, Collingwood competed in the South Hampstead High School Winter Cup.

  • Candlelight Soiree Dazzles!

    Over fifty students from Year 7 to Year 11 performed in Kingston Theatre on Friday night.

  • Autumn Showcase Delights!

    Friday Night’s Autumn Showcase at Collingwood College was a resounding success, captivating attendees with a wonderful evening of music and singing!

  • Celebration Evening - Collingwood Has Talent!!

    Last night (26 November) there were nearly 100 awards presented to Collingwood students past and present by the wider leadership team, the mayor, Sarbie Kang, our Chair of Governors, Mr Barker and Mr and Mrs Hempson, punctuated by wonderful student performances at the annual celebration event!

  • Year 11 Two-Week Mock Exam Period Nearly Over!

    One day to go for Year 11 GCSE Mock (PPEs) examinations!

  • Celebration Breakfast

    Miss Watling was delighted to host her first celebration breakfast this morning as Principal with 9I and their form tutor Mrs Alley-Mohindra.

  • Odd Socks Day - Tuesday 12 November

    Collingwood students marked anti-bullying week on Tuesday 12 November by wearing odd socks.

  • Attendance Matters

    Congratulations to our Attendance Champions who received their attendance badges this morning (Friday 25 October) from Mr Cleary, Head of Upper College, for the academic year 23-24 (Summer term).

  • Sixth Form Revue Rocks!

    Collingwood College Sixth Form students were thrilled to host the annual Sixth Form Revue in Kingston Theatre last Friday (18 October), which was filled with comedy, dances, skits and songs. 

Curriculum Information